Word For/ Word is seeking poetry, prose, poetics, criticism, reviews, and visuals for upcoming issues. We read submissions year-round. Issue #22 is scheduled for July 2013. Please direct queries and submissions to:
Word For/ Word
c/o Jonathan Minton
546 Center Avenue
Weston, WV 26452
Submissions should be a reasonable length (i.e., 3 to 6 poems, or prose between 50 and 2000 words) and include a biographical note and publication history (or at least a friendly introduction), plus an SASE with appropriate postage for a reply. A brief statement regarding the process, praxis or parole of the submitted work is encouraged, but not required. Please allow one to three months for a response. We will consider simultaneous submissions, but please let us know if any portion of it is accepted elsewhere. We do not consider previously published work.
Email queries and submissions may be sent to: editors at wordforword dot info.
Email submissions should be attached as a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf or .txt file. Visuals should be attached individually as .jpg, .png, .gif, or .bmp files. Please include the word "submission" in the subject line of your email.
Word For/ Word acquires exclusive first-time printing rights (online or otherwise) for all published works, which are archived online and may be featured in special print and blog editions. All rights revert to the authors after publication in Word For/ Word; however, we ask that we be acknowledged if the work is republished elsewhere.
Word For/ Word is open to all types of poetry, prose and visual art, but prefers innovative and post-avant work with an astute awareness of the materials, rhythms, trajectories and emerging forms of the contemporary. Word For/ Word is published biannually.
This issue of Word For/ Word was designed using Proty.
Jonathan Minton, Editor
Corey Lafferty, Web Designer and Code Monkey
ISSN 2159-8061