- 5_Trope
- Absent
- Action, Yes
- alice blue
- Anti-
- The Argotist Online
- Asheville Poetry Review
- aslongasittakes
- Barzakh
- Big Bridge
- Blue Print Review
- Born Magazine
- Cipher Journal
- Coconut
- Conjunctions
- The Continental Review
- Country Music
- Cricket Online Review
- critiphoria
- Dear Sir,
- Dear Navigator
- Diagram
- Diode
- ditch
- Dreaming Methods
- Drunken Boat
- Dusie
- Ekleksographia
- Dear Navigator
- eoagh
- eratio
- Esque
- Free Verse
- Ghoti
- GutCult
- How2
- Jack Magazine
- Jacket
- K=O=L=L=A=P=S
- La Petite Zine
- Locus Novus
- mid)rib
- Milk
- MiPOesias
- Mixed Media Poetry
- Moria Poetry Journal
- No Tell Motel
- Octopus Magazine
- onedit
- Open Letters
- Otoliths
- Parcel
- Past Simple
- Peep/Show
- Puppy Flowers
- RealPoetic
- Reconfigurations
- Revista Laboratorio
- Shadowtrain
- Shampoo
- Site Citation
- The Shore Magazine
- Slope
- Starfish
- Strange Machine
- Tarpaulin Sky
- There
- Titanic Operas
- Typo Magazine
- Wicked
- xStream
- Ygdrasil
Visual Poetry
- Balikli
- bentspoon
- The Bleed
- copdep()
- Crag Hill's Poetry Scorecard
- derya
- El Centro de Poesía Visual
- David-Baptiste Chirot
- dbqp: visualizing poetics
- Five Million Copies
- Glyph Machines
- Light & Dust
- Logolalia
- Lost and Found Times
- The New Post Literate
- nokturno
- Openned Eyes
- Other Cl/utter
- poetikhars
- Renegade
- SCORE/SPORE Magazine
- sin tax
- SpiderTangle
- This is Art
- This is Visual Poetry
- tonerworks
- Tip of the Kife
- textimagepoem
- Vispo: Langu(im)age
- visoundtextpoem
- Vortice Argentina
- Visual Flave
- vviissiioonnss
- Ahsahta Press
- Beard of Bees
- BlazeVOX
- Calamari Press
- Cy Gist Press
- Duration Press
- Fiji Island Mermaid Press
- flim forum press
- horse less press
- Kitchen Press
- Phylum Press
- Salt
- Shearsman
- xexoxial editions
- Cold Front
- The Continental Review
- Duotrope's Digest
- Eclipse
- Electronic Poetry Center
- e-x-c-h-a-n-g-e-v-a-l-u-e-s
- How a Poem Happens
- Naropa Audio Archives
- NewPages
- The Page
- PENNsound
- Poetic Invention
- Rabbit Light Movies
- Rethinking Poetics
- Selby's List
- UbuWeb
- Willa: Women in Letters and Literary Arts