// Peter Jay Shippy



from Alphaville



Forget green hills,
I jaw.

lawn mowers

needle out,
paring quarry

roses, soft taxing
urgent violets.

When xenocrysts
yellow, zappy z-

lines yaw x-legs, west--
vexing undertows

to sunsets,
ripening quietus.




of new moonlight

lick kudzu jiggers.
I hear glass

fish, erasing
downriver, coal

black, aswarm
A blackbird calls

duskward, etching
frangible glitches.

Hanging in jackets,
kestrels lynch

mice, noosing
on parabolas.




“Thorazine smiles
reveal qualities previously

outside new maths.”
lectured Kepler.

Joining in hallowed
gallows funnies.

Einstein declared,
“Can bloody arts

and barren crafts
divine enclitic facts?”

Galileo howled,
“I’m junkyard kinky!

Living minky!
Noodle our pinkies!



Peter Jay Shippy is the author of Thieves' Latin (University of Iowa Press). Alphaville is an abecedarian suite. Other sections of it can be found in upcoming issues of 42opus and eratio. He also has new poems appearing in The American Poetry Review, Fence and The Canary , among others. He teaches at Emerson College.

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