Squirrel witchcraft dwells on dowsing,
weather prediction, hospitality from trunk to twig tip
on a homesteading tree limb
Differences between
subdivision squirrel kitchen witch
foraging garbage cans, BBQ crumbs,
dropped children’s snacks
forest witch
hissing duels with dryads over nuts
awestruck by the antlered demigods
bardic lore only shared in winter
while bear shamans and turtle nuns hibernate
urban hedge witch
erudite schoolyard/library topiary scavenger
alley cat duelist, pigeon conspirator
fire escape mountaineer bird telepathy
bone and metal runic rat warding circles
racoon defying bone fetishes
tail tarot not unlike racoon rune stones
not shuffled but scattered on wind
like digging nuts in snow, only the face-down are read
splooting trance, resembling yoga,
action without action,
some say the greatest splooters can turn into foxes
(foxes say their mystics disguise as squirrels in order to climb)
(but who can believe a fox)
certain acorns grow over winter
in springtime a wish comes true
although, too many wishes leads to madness
rabid frenzies, greed unhinged,
insatiable teeth that turn to fangs
these squirrels, the witches say, can speak to wendigo.
rot seeds within a horse’s hoofbeat of wherever they sleep