Arpine Konyalian Grenier
Suchness, What Noise
Daftar blue dualities intervene to convene
lines and shapes of context and word
levitation surmises

remember architecture?

the tool-master’s need stands in the way
congruence and correlation fester
main tenant
full scale social/political lungs oh yes


how different that is from all things durable
to come together to just become so
this and that

conditioned and mediated ausgang haben
how is ownership generated then?
(some rocks at Death Valley are walking they say)

gauge symmetries are unobservable
what I say to my love is the song
chew it slightly for taste

I wanted a last word with you
no schnell no halt
no gyavoor
the rub is otherly
déjà rêvė déjà parlė
déjà lu

what social basis do I come from?