Rigorous unrelenting relents, dozer relents.
Perpetual veil. An omen hangs by his fingertips
singular above a pulsating abyss. The omen,
a boy, would fly forty stories down like an egg
cell like a biome of football players bussed home.
Like a pale bridge, the verboten ambiance of them.
Language surprises where it transmits least.
Time cradles a pendulum prissily about rest.
One among many tools—which treats of groins,
synesthetic coordinates, self-aware used sex toys.
One way to be human is to be hunted away from wet
places. Trauma is the babe neck thin lilting all-flesh
ripped from flesh—the same moaning announces
being toward being else. Appraisal: naive land of nests.
Sowing weeds in abandoned brownfield daylight
(Lake bed, meadow, pit, car lot, construction site,
desert) a station in the gray where attention betrays. List,
what all this noise makes us do & now want mine give
to nature nature’s spirits. Give her fear and gender,
give her automation and revenge. Recognize intent,
design theory to balance the primordial budget to
resign a habit of my own objectification finally able.