1. We go for a walk
2. A process that goes on in secret is lavish
3. The outside air because the sprinklers were on is fragrant
4. Our schedule is open and pretty
5. And what people are doing would appear to be purely intuitive
6. Our bowels are like jelly
7. We kiss our Bills goodbye
8. We just want to confirm that this is you
9. This is us saying goodbye
10. Call us Cash
11. The outside is still fragrant
12. It was peaches and the one feature we would not be caught without is bell choir
13. It is important for us to let others enjoy the things they enjoy
14. We cough
15. When the bell is rung, profit
16. We thought at first it was a spanking
17. Everyone else is leaving, none of them having bought our knives
18. Coughing follows the olive course
19. And a little brown rabbit hops into our path
20. We cannot sew, prescribe, or model
21. Our scientists study belonging
22. We do not have watches
23. We seek someone to touch nouns with
24. Our scientists study pace, acceleration, and the effects of vinegar
25. We had to bode, when we heard the bell, well
26. Moths in the almonds, moths in the beans
27. We see, we know, silverfish, minnows, puppies, gnats, mice, and the moths
28. Worriedly
29. The privacy of action
30. We roll kites for the arousal
31. We campaign
32. We bristle at the word relationship
33. A sheep bleats, throws off our wrist
34. We imagine unfurling
35. It was the first time Bill honked his horn at us he began multiplying
36. We need to be by ourselves
37. A building rusts in the sun
38. We doubt our sexual prowess but want to enjoy ourselves
39. Our game is to wait
40. What we tell one another forms a lip
41. There were no birds on our list
42. Serving spoons and poppies through a display window at the dry goods store
43. What if the line’s left running like a faucet
44. We see the special exhibition in the toy store, jingle bells thick and bright as a drake
45. We are just glad to be here
46. Are we to be recognized by our surroundings?
47. Alcohol hands off soft shapes
48. We excuse ourselves
49. Stuff rosemary in our noses
50. Whenever our overtures are misunderstood, we hesitate
51. It’s been a very good day for us
52. We want these candles to reflect the sore lights in our eyes
53. Like solder, we will only run when enough heat is applied
54. We were caught rummaging through the trunks of your cars for snail shells
55. Were we wrong to look there?
56. Were we wrong?
57. We know things that feel incredible are also part chance
58. We count them, daylight being what it is
59. People need to wait, no matter how young
60. We look for delicate flowers that bloom themselves through stems through seed through hard sand or clay
61. We can’t stand a full moon
62. The wind was low so we took off our gloves
63. A mourning dove makes her nest
64. In the dry goods store a boy sits on the counter with a book, shoelaces dangling
65. After anxiety, it takes a few days to describe our relief
66. Are there such things as unsuccessful pleasures?
67. We need to feel like we are part enough of the community
68. Comes a muskrat up to the surface of the pond to breathe
69. We were taught both to sleep on the plane and to be liars
70. The surface of the pond changes color, pale to fuscous and back with the passing of a cloud
71. We pretend, often, to be strangers on separate errands
72. Our favorite technique for consensus is rhymes
73. We wash our paper money out in the sink
74. Peaches bob the pond the day after the hurricane
75. We break another tree
76. Don’t tell us how happy
77. How to eat enough salt to live
78. Sometimes we fall into the ivy
79. We saw you kneeling by the shotgun through the back window
80. We understate
81. We keep putting ourselves back on the roster
82. This is our Italian cypress
83. We need the sun to take us along with it wherever it goes as we are its kittens
84. Whenever possible stay within sight of water during times of stress
85. Those exposed elbows don’t belong to us
86. A new sensation crowds that one out as when a picnic is over
87. To keep our bodies as vacant as possible and as like springboards
88. We prefer being driven around by our Bills
89. We compare ourselves to the rain
90. There is no such thing as error
91. We must always stretch to stay stretched
92. We hid our eyes less this year, our knees more
93. Recommended enemas
94. Our noses feel sore
95. Though we marched in the Parade of Pears we were listless
96. And here is our eucalyptus
97. Kit: powder, pollen, cake and yellow flowers
98. We spend whole days cultivating proximity
99. A nice, cordial goodbye, or anything in the right context
100. It is widely reported that our dog ran away
101. A bright June day
102. Is it a toy or a decoration?
103. We enjoy those who burrow
104. We wouldn’t pretend astonishment
105. We wrote to win your trust
106. Decidedly looked to the win
107. We toast to our decision to leave
108. Exposure and frequent licking
109. The past has a way of unraveling
110. We check the weather against our plan
111. Kit: sand, flower petals, daubs of mud
112. Our generous senses of fear make us ideal in comforting the sensitive
113. A statue creams the light
114. Among other things
115. We decide to look to the wind
116. We scrape the loop off in the gravel and are admonished by the housekeepers
117. We split our time between seeking permission and purchasing reusable shopping bags
118. The crowns for all the grasshoppers gleam
119. We ache for other evidence
120. Kit: ink in the foyer, cabbage in the skin, trembling
121. The carrot soup we were accustomed to ran out
122. We distract from our plan with bright kites and flags
123. We ache, ache, desire
124. You don’t need to convince those who already know how auspicious your presence is
125. Us stuffing gold in the store’s maslin kettles
126. The first time we left we told none of our Bills
127. We look younger
128. We were more lonesome the less our jackets matched
129. A few of us threaten not to be ourselves
130. We bake meringues and set them on all available half-windows
131. We’ve come to be cared for