Fix you up again
how high does a brother have to climb that latter?
how high does a postindustrial mother have to climb that latter?
[Vitamultin of the Vale
slow poison]
you cant hummingbird talk your way out of this one
all the hummingbirds are dead
dead. yes. the venomous water of the Vale
struck a certain strategic chord of consciousness
a----------mong hummingbird brains [dinosaur brains]
hummingburns and dinosaurs! he stays somewhere between
confusion and excitement!?
there’s still a mountain of feathers and meat
across the nation as we await decomposition
[Vitamultin of the Vale
a slow poison in disguise]
[plug into what? there are no walls left standing]
and the arrival of that much poetically lauded snotflower
to devour the bone
to deflower the bone
so we have a place to stand upon
this Vale
and live our lives
[instead of sitting upon
mountains of bones--
something that if were so would mean
there would be no species. race. Mankind. Humanity.
[temporal causality?--
I don’t think so-- more like evolutionary necessity]
I do think so but I do think
thrice and then some
and top that off with some Infinity.
([is this heavy enough yet?])