not only a sleeping warrior of the world
but also cleanse, purify, clarify, adorn
not only a sleeping warrior of the world
but also ship of oak, name of the rune,
the letter
not only a sleeping warrior of the world
but also ache, pain, suffer
not only a sleeping warrior of the world
but also locked with a key, oak tree, oak
grove, acorn, accent, acorn
not only a sleeping warrior of the world
but also a kind of oak, a species of oak,
oak drink, drink made from acorns
not only a sleeping warrior of the world
but also forth, produce, beget, renew
not only a sleeping warrior of the world
but also birth, generation, nativity, genuine,
not only a sleeping warrior of the world
but also burn, rumination, cut, hew, choose,
oak-whole or sound, entire
not only a sleeping warrior of the world
but also slope, wood, summon, call
not only a sleeping warrior of the world
but also turn, turn away, aside, avert,
turn oneself, go, return, turning, aversion,
turning from, apostasy, revolting
not only a sleeping warrior of the world
but also the name of a place, an oak leaf