Meister Eckhart's Sermon on Flowers
and the Philosopher's Reply
A hollowed singularity exists in flowers
like pathos in a dandelion:
an eddy of fate, degreeless,
silvering through memory.
A scabbed consonant departing
the sentence: locust-petal, bromeliad,
a surfacing shame, lightless, beyond hearing.
Solitary, the clock circumvents sound
and a horse importunes
a wasp bowing before significance.

It is in fact doubtless a wasp bows before significance
degreeless in a dandelion.
It also stands to reason that, in a clock, locusts circumvent memory
in order to depart through fate.
And anyone can see that singularity exists lightless
like an eddy of pathos surfacing beyond hearing.
In conclusion, however solitary ( & you know this as well as I),
a consonant will always depart
the sentence before shamed by a horse.