are there fewer birds how
would we know)—every moment the brink
of radical transformation
but not for the reasons you expect
that mask: that veil by
Jim Crow a white mob
opposes the sale
is not every moment a transition?
Did the exodus finally
scraper: poplar: measuring
where no one would want
to live / plants described
stick pine / carry many people
how to bring to ground / pull
w/out attachment
everything possible in a day’s
dri l l s caul kin g scr a p er
releasenature trans for mations
where the current is weakest)
watch with the greatest
so that they
may gather seeds
to cycles of earth and sky
these plants that follow fire
[emphasis added:
encroachment of coastal
sage scrub & perhaps
of chaparral
quantities of chia they were
for the food
she gave them
to the edges of these fields
to languish
no physical remains
the tools ]
new conclusions about these
vessels or the excavation
of a cache
this is an issue
to solve
the currents of the world
we find ourselves
not in decades. Will we be left behind
deny the costs we are all, still, the data:
what is right in front of us the names
for these neighborhoods the landscape dissolving into
the light
only the mountains the sea and the land in between
smoke no longer the land in / to a state
of wonder
where will our Doggerland
swimming over the past: spoilheaps
if we forget the map
causative / if we created
a word this message has no content.