Josef Kaplan

Democracy is not for the People

7th Account? Awful – bull.


Carolina Charlotte, cheer!


Client collection crew.


Danny, dare earnings – excel, fill flu (frustrating).




Heels – heh – hella “Homer Indians”.


Issues jam Jeff, Jordan, Katie, Kindle, Kisses, Leaves.


Liking loose makeup-male Members Memorial.


Mental mix.


Mom’s nights: NKOTB.


Oprah orders outta passing pet plot poll.


Posted pressure promise.


Ram Sarah.


Screen sells. Slam!


Soccer spreadsheet.


Stewart “Sweat Taco”, trainer.








Yankees: younger.



Democracy is not for the People

Announcing apprentice argument.


Asia Attack Award.


Bitch briefing.


Calm Canada.


Cell [sic] chile clients completed Costco.


Cowboys drug-dumbed freedom.


Gates. Gibbs.


Homeless Jose killers.


Kills kit lied likes.


Maintenance marathon milk.




Moakler? Noble nursing - ohh. Opened, paint painting


Planet points press promo, provided rehearsal, remembered response, revising rings. Sadly.


Safety secrets.




Similar sky, slowly.


Soap Stadium.




Surprise tap.


Theatre? Tonite? Tricks?


UFC: Ultimate Wicked Wigan.





Democracy is not for the People

Alamo Alan (Andy), apprentice, arrived attending baseball.


Beck (Ben), blowing boardroom bot (brilliant).


Bullshit central, Chelsea collection custom.


“Depends… diddy die?” Dinner d’nt.


Domain Elvis.


Example featured, fired, fit, follows frustrated Glenn (gone).


Hunt impossible “install journal”.


Key, like lives.


Lung: Mexican.


Mexico mic monitoring.


Mystery: Nick (Oakland Octomom).


Odd. Opened.




Quiet relief reminds sandalwood semis.


Shoot sin, sir.


Softball storm.


Suppose Texas.


The apprentice threw up, dated Wakefield.



Democracy is not for the People

Appreciate Ashley.


Bahamas Ball banned BFF... boo...


B-or-O... careful...


Carolina conference correction. Costa covered.




"Danger"; "def".


Disturbing dudes dust Eastenders.


Ellen Favre feedback files.


Gadget Ghetto hates Highway (((hint))).


Holiday Holidays icon.




Increase "Jessica joke".


Lama [sic] laying line, match materials, max Mental Michelle.


Nasty Newcastle.


Nom. outs participating places, possibly.


Quit, Ramirez.


[Reasons removed]


Salvation sandwich. Santa sing. Stoked tasting. Ten-toon tummy universe.


Upload uselessness.


Vikings, watchin'.



Democracy is not for the People

Ahh! Analysis!




Apply, ASAP!


Atlanta begins!


Bitch, blast-build card-cartoon chocolate comment.


Content "cookies" coverage.


Cow crying.


Decent Denver died.


Directory, dirty everybody expensive (feels green).


Greenworks happens harder.


Heck, images (In My Suck - '09).


Insane interest, international items like my first alpo occident. Lying.


Midnight Mike.


New Kid On The Block.






Parking practice.


PTAVote : random / roof : saved.


Screen seminar...


1. Specter


1. Straight study


2. Sub-super text theory


3. Tweeted universe, usually


4. Wing


5. Wood



Democracy is not for the People

According Annie apprentice artists, awful baby beater.




Biggest bounce-boy/broke burning buzzer.


Celtics charity.


Congrats (congratulations). (Curious).




DAVIS - deck Donald, Duke DVD.


Evidence explain failure. Fall.


Glen, global gon' goodnight grown hates, hooked issues.


Jason, Joan.


Jumper kicked killer, lately laying marry [sic] mixtape nearly pillow.


Playoffs process. Record reports.


Rivers, rocks.


Shall shot shots.


SOULJA - speak stone tie tied TIVO.


Trump, Tyler.




Winner winning wins wut.