WORD/ FOR WORD: Volume One

David Braden


By Gentle Concussion


My wished end is by gentle concussion, to cooly bruise the emulsion of truth.

Seeping & Dreaming & Dripping & Dreaming & Seeping & Dreaming

Wished end is, by gentle concussion, to cooly bruise the emulsion of truth my.

Squeezed From The Tip Gently Squeezed From The Tip Moisture Gently

End is by gentle concussion, to cooly bruise the emulsion of truth, my wished.

Seeping & Dreaming & Dripping & Dreaming & Seeping & Dreaming

Is by gentle concussion, to cooly bruise the emulsion of truth, my wished end.

By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop

By gentle concussion, to cooly bruise, the emulsion of truth my wished end is.

Seeping & Dreaming & Dripping & Dreaming & Seeping & Dreaming

Gentle concussion, to cooly bruise the emulsion of truth, my wished end is by.

Seeping From The Tip Gently Squeezed From The Tip Moisture Gently

Concussion, to cooly bruise the emulsion of truth, my wished end is by gentle.

Seeping & Dreaming & Dripping & Dreaming & Seeping & Dreaming

To cooly bruise the emulsion of truth, my wished end is by gentle, concussion.

By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop

Cooly bruise, the emulsion of truth, my wished end is by gently concussion, to.

Seeping & Dreaming & Dripping & Dreaming & Seeping & Dreaming

Bruise the emulsion of truth, my wished end is by gentle concussion, to cooly.

Squeezed From The Tip Gently Squeezed From The Tip Gently Squeezed

The emulsion of truth my wished end, is by gentle concussion, to cooly bruise.

Seeping & Dreaming & Dripping & Dreaming & Seeping & Dreaming

Emulsion, of truth my wished end is by gentle concussion, to cooly bruise the.

By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop By Drop

Of truth my wished end is, by gentle concussion, to cooly bruise the emulsion.

Truth, my wished end is by gentle concussion, to cooly bruise the emulsion of.

Woundes or sores made with a concussion of the Heavens when the retina is irritated by a

Woundes or sores made with a concussion of the Heavens when the retina is irritated by a

violent blow..flashes of light..result. And the solution of contynuyte called ecchymosis in

violent blow..flashes of light..result. And the solution of contynuyte called ecchymosis in

greke commeth most often with (The term conveys not a precise idea) that derangement

greke commeth most often with (The term conveys not a precise idea) that derangement

which is produced in the organization of the brain by external violence, there is always

which is produced in the organization of the brain by external violence, there is always

which is produced in the organization of the brain by external violence, there is always

which is produced in the organization of the brain by external violence, there is always

gorging of the brain with: blood. rapine. pillories. Their catalogue of accusations fill who

gorging of the brain with: blood. rapine. pillories. Their catalogue of accusations fill who

tooke from cities and priuate men the Mettals in which they were lawfullie interested. Juno

tooke from cities and priuate men the Mettals in which they were lawfullie interested. Juno

prayd the goddys of wyndes that eueryche..sholde make concussyon and tormente in the

prayd the goddys of wyndes that eueryche..sholde make concussyon and tormente in the

ayer with a triangular reservoir placed over the moistened lips; a valve in the wind trunk.

ayer with a triangular reservoir placed over the moistened lips; a valve in the wind trunk.

The segment shells could not derive much assistance from their fuses, on account of the

The segment shells could not derive much assistance from their fuses, on account of the

soft, expectant state in which the ground was.

soft, expectant state in which the ground was.


[contributors' notes]
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